Jméno: _BoMpArGiRl_ Region: Ústí nad Labem O mně: Hi!!!I live with sweal in soul only because i dont have enough power to be honest its own accord...What if misapprehend me??Possibly it so will better.Smotemes i will get muster and betray oneself but not yet...Bye-Bye
Martínku ty si takovi mali pako...(bez urazky)mam te moc rada a neci o tebe prijit!!!!!nikdymoc by me mrzelo kdyby sme se nak pohadalisem moc rada ze me tak branis!!!a i to ze me beres jako nej kamosku...ploste ted uz si bez tebe neumimprestavit vubec nits!!!!!!!sem radaze sem te potkala!mtmr!!