English latter (Školní texty)
Dear Editor
This latter is concerning „Proposal seeks to ban communists“.
The KSČM isthe third stongest party in our country, so if we will ban KSČM, the communistswill create new party with a diferentname and diferent emblem(for example KKČM and three red sausages). I thing thatKSČM has many old supporters, so it will lose mandate in the future.
I agree withMr Štětina mainly in the one thing. If the amendment of law prohibiting thepropagation of extremist parties and thein symbols passed and the presidentsigned it into law, it would be a clear indicator that Czech society hasfinally resolved to cope with its totalitarian past.
It is very hard for me to see how strongcomunist party nowadays is. I would love to see it non-existent and forgottenby humanity.
I thing that there is an only one way toban KSČM and this way lead over education. We have to teach our children that aMarxism is a blind alley. The Marxism sounds good, but it is impracticable. Itrust in people and I hope, that we will never do a one mistake twice.