Komu sa o mne sniva

Doba medzi nasim prvym stretnutim a dneskom nie je podstatna...obcas sme boli v kontakte na facebooku a pod...Az vcera mi prisla zaujimava sprava:
Chris: "You were in my dreams yesterday..."
Ja: "What did I do there?"
Chris: "The dream was like a stephen king book. There was an erie feeling. The dream took place in a small town in the midwest USA and you were a waitress at the bar. The bar had a western feel to it and very gloomy. You spoke in english (I knew it was you because of your accent) and your hair was not tied back. The dream turned into a panic because an unnatural spirit was slowly possessing the town. I remember talking with you about the town and you were not scared. In the dream you knew my friend Tracy and the two of you lived together. Tracy's father became possessed by the spirit started to chase us. We fled into town where we found a river that carried the "bad" feelings and then the whole town was chasing us. We had to fight our way through the zombies until we were free. Then I woke up. That was my dream. Thank you for being apart of it. =)"
hm...neviem, co si mam o tom mysliet, ale Aamericania by asi mali menej verit filmom typu Hostel