
15.Leden 2008

(c) Miroslav Vlcek 2008.
Yes you can watch them but you can not touch them
when you are willing to pay.
Only when you are willing to pay.
What little girl would like to be a stripper
and then graduate in to the ordinary whore ?
Come on big dad ask your daughter
ask your sweet sweet innocent little girl !
Joanne became to be nineteen years of her age
she was tall blond and very pretty.
She had very lovely big blue eyes and smile
like you did before never see.
With her sweet smile she did used to be
charming everyone
yes this is including even me.
Joanne did respond on to the ad on the paper
and became to be Tokyo bound.
Back home for years nobody did hear about her
not even a single sound.
In Old Kyoto Yakuza district she became to be
a Star
tall sexy blond with big blue eyes.
Lets go to see her come on guys
lets go to have some fun.
In Old Kyoto Yakuze district she was charming everyone
In Old Kyoto Yakuze district she was charming everyone.
napsal/a: popletazesveta 19:47 Link komentáře (0)

Old Man and his memories.
(c) Miroslav Vlcek 2008.
He said that he was a sailor
and that he done some flying in the air.
He said that once he was living in the mountains       ( otevrene ke kolaboraci )
where he came face to face with big bear.
He said that he had some children
but he did not see them for many years.
And that reminiscing will always
bring him to his tears.
     That reminiscing will always
     bring him to his tears.
Life suddenly will get lonely
lonely as life can be.
Some people for the forest
can not see a single tree.
Old man and his memories
did begun to seek new friend
just someone willing to listen
without laughing in the end.
     Someone willing to listen
     without laughing in the end.
.. . ..
 2 x otistene v < >
Mental Health.
(c) Miroslav Vlcek 2008.
They are calling poor man lazy
social misfit and crazy.
Not knowing that poverty
can not be a benefit
to anyone's mental health.
And they are keeping on
increasing their wealth.
On the account of those
they are criticizing. napsal/a: popletazesveta 18:03 Link komentáře (0)

(c) Miroslav Vlcek 2008.
In todays world they do have.
Instant coffee - Mashed Potatoes
Instant Gravy
and as long as they have no
Instant Baby
every thing is fine.
This is because.
Babes have to be brewed slowly
and then
pumppered for long long time.                     ( volne ke kolaboraci )
To have it any different
it would be a crime.
To have it any different
it would be a crime.
And they also have.
Instant Pudding - Soup in Cup
ready for you in single snap.
But as the Babes it go
they should never have them so.
This is because.
Babes have to be seduced slowly
and then made love to
for long long time.
To have it any different
it would be a crime.
To have it any different
it would be a crime.
.. . ..
napsal/a: popletazesveta 17:43 Link komentáře (0)

Sedumdesat dva panen.  ( Brainwashing by religion )
(c) Miroslav Vlcek 2008.
72 panen velky palac no a kdo vi co vic ?
Allah ti po tve smrti hochu da
rikal mu otec a i stryc.
Rahim chtel mit sveho kone
jen par ovci a par koz.
Po palaci plnem panen
netouzil tak moc.
72 panen
( Brainwashing by religion )
Rahim se ucil cist svuj koran
v poly makovic.
A kseftovat s paseraky
pod celtou u hranic.
72 panen
( Brainwasing by religion )
Rahim dostal svuj samopal
kdyz mu bylo pet.
Sedum let pote mu bylo predurceno
jit branit svuj svet.
72 panen
( Brainwashing by religion )
Rahim polozil svuj zivot
pro slavu Islamu.
To co ho potkalo na onom svete
jiz nestoji v Koranu.
72 panen . . . .
72 panen . . . .
( Brainwashing by religion )

napsal/a: popletazesveta 05:38 Link komentáře (0)

Fairytale Rock.
(c) Miroslav Vlcek 2008.
Someone was sitting on my chair
said in slight dismay mama bear.
Did you washed your face brushed your teeth
and comb your hair ?
Fairytale rock
key without a lock.
Or yes and no
high and low.
Don't tell me twice !
Is that so ?
Fairytale rock.
Someone was sleeping in my bed
said papa bear scratching his head.
Sinking down like a sack of lead.
Fairytale rock.
Someone did mess up all my room
said mama bear holding her broom.
This whole house dose look like a
house of doom.
Fairytale rock.
.                                                                  ( volne ke kolaboraci )
Someone had party in this hall
spilled beer on the floor and wrote
Bear Junior on to the wall.
Left the stereo on full blast
and that is not all.
Fairytale rock.
Fairytale rock.
.. . ..
Big Bad Girl with 303.
(c) Miroslav Vlcek 2008.
Big bad girl with 303 was hiding once
behind a tree.
She was dressed in red
from her toes to her head.
Now good young wolf was going bye
not knowing better - may oh may.
In the middle of forest clearing
good young wolf had bad feeling.
But for his second thought was too late
because big bad girl was shooting straight.
Moral storyline in this song lyrics is.
( Sometimes you just can't win and you can be deprived of your skin.)
And so big bad girl did kill
good young wolf dead.
With her 303 as I have said
and as the legend goes.
She left good young wolf's corpse
to crows.
Now crows had very lovely feast
and big bad girl was headding east.
She was from big city
where ladies like fur coats.
And gentlemen to be driving their
big cars.
Or sailling on their fency boats.
napsal/a: popletazesveta 04:22 Link komentáře (0)

And so I did begun with brand new Revolution.
(c) Miroslav Vlcek 2008.
I did kill one day feeling no remorse
I did kill next day
and I was not about to show any remorse
for my evil deeds even then.
I was living in one with cockroaches infested
basement suite.
And killing did became to be for me
my daily joy.
So often I did feel like to kill
every rich son of the bitch
who was exploiting me
and forcing me to be living in my
by me so undesired predicament.
But I didn't
because I knew well.
That for killing only cockroaches
I would not have to go to jail.
And also
that every rich son of the bitch
I had such a desire to kill.
Is and always was
considered to be in under the law
well protected species.

And so
I did begun with brand new revolution.
napsal/a: popletazesveta 23:51 Link komentáře (0)

Order your self one more drink my good old friend.
(c) Miroslav Vlcek 2008.
Women have been ruling this world eversince of             ( otevrene ke kolaboraci )
mother Eva.
They are able to take away from us all our dignity
they are the cause of all our grief.
But without the woman this world would be
without of all human life.
So order your self one more drink my good old friend
and tell me more about your wife.
Tell me all how she was giving you hell
when she was knitting sweater.
Wash it all down with one more drink
and you will feel much better.
Women have been ruling this world as far as
man's memory can reach.
They love so much to tell man what to do
they love so much to preach.
So order your self one more drink my good old friend
and help me with my song.
And if you are waiting for your woman to change ?
Then you will be waiting for long
you will be waiting for ever because she never will.
So order your self one more drink my good old friend
no matter if you are Jack or Bill ?
Order your self one more drink my good old friend
no matter if you are Jack or Bill ?
.. . ..
Like a Broken Fool.
(c) Miroslav Vlcek 2008.                 ( Heartbraker - otevrene ke kolaboraci.)
Park benches are all neglected
and covered in the snow.
Noone is clearing icy sidewalks
for the lonely crow.
Trees are standing naked
but I am shivering.
And I am thinking about you and me
as we were in the spring.
We always were together
and I even give you a ring.
We were going to get married
have children and other thing.
You did never made me waiting
you did never turned me down.
But here I am in winter
here I am like a Clown.
I can not hear you laughing
and I can not see your face.
So here I am like a broken Fool
in wrong time and in wrong place.
Here I am like a broken Fool
in wrong time and in wrong place.
napsal/a: popletazesveta 23:22 Link komentáře (0)

One with Gun.
(c) Miroslav Vlcek 2008.
And another Canadian Soldier did die in the friendly fire
another Canadian mother is in grief for her beloved son.
And as well
another teenager in Afghanistan is praying to Allah
for new gun.
Another Canadian Businessman did make his wise investment
in to the stocks of sofer.
Demand for the gun powder is high
and who dose care who is going to or who is not going
to die ? - Why ?

And another improvised explosive device did go off
under the Canadian Military Convoy
Another sweet victory for Taliban.

Another deceiving speech made by the Canadian Politician
another deployment of the Military Troops for another in
Afghanistan Mission. - Why ?

One with gun - two at WAR - three costomers in the store.
One with gun - two at WAR - three customers in the store.
One with gun - two at WAR - three customers in the store.
napsal/a: popletazesveta 22:27 Link komentáře (0)

Vam vsem k 40 temu vyroci Prazskeho jara 68.
(c) Miroslav Vlcek 2008.
Polityk stojici na podiu lze a zlate zari.
Ja vam dam Kapitalismus s Lidskou tvari
navlecte si muj obojek no a vsechno bude fajn.
Navlecte si muj obojek no a vsechno bude fajn.
Nejdrive vsak.
K tomu abych vam mohl zlepsit blahobyt
budu vam muset zvysit cinzi za vas byt.
Ona mi naznacila karma
ze to nepujde zdarma.
Navlecte si muj obojek no a vsechno bude fajn.
Vase byvala Socialisticka Zdravotni Pece
vam davala chorobu.
No a vasi emancipovanou dceru
zamestnam v mem Bordelu.
Zvyseny Turisticky ruch nam vsem prijde veprospech.
Navlecte si muj obojek no a vsechno bude fajn.
No a abychom nenechaly lezet Daliborku ladem
zacnem trestat Kriminaly hladem.
Par Houslistu se nam z toho mozna narodi ?
Navlecte si muj obojek no a vsechno bude fajn.
A aby to nebylo panstvu na Hradcanech lito
zacnem vybirat na kazdem mostu myto.
Kdo vi kolik hektolitru nafty nam to tak usetri ?
Navlecte si muj obojek no a vsechno bude fajn.
Navlecte si muj obojek no a vsechno bude fajn.

napsal/a: popletazesveta 22:06 Link komentáře (0)

(c) Miroslav Vlcek 2008.
When some of you ladies by all means
will desire to have child with special genes ?
When the ordinary man for you is not good enough
and man of more desired category to get is too tough.
Then in our Genius Sperm Bank
In our Genius Sperm Bank
we have you dreams for sale.
Genius Sperm Bank
Genius Sperm Bank
Genius Sperm Bank
Ladies in our Genius Sperm Bank we have the
best of seed.
Unique selection that you can't beat.
We have
Nobel Prize Winners packed and frozen
like TV Dinners.
We also have the Movie Stars safelly stored
in glass sterillized jars.
Or Lady perhapse self made millionaire
could father your baby ?
My dear Ladies we have them all
and make that call !
Genius Sperm Bank
Genius Sperm Bank
Genius Sperm Bank
Or Ladies when an Aristocrat will be
in your wish ?
We will bring his sperm to you
on silver dish.
Or my dear Lady now would not it be fun ?
To have future President for a son ?
And in the case that you do have crash
on some man of the magic brush ?
Then small dash of future Davincie
we have in stock too.
Anyone your heart will desire
we will have for you.
Genius Sperm Bank
Genius Sperm Bank
Genius Sperm Bank
napsal/a: popletazesveta 18:16 Link komentáře (0)

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