Genius Sperm Bank.

14.Leden 2008

(c) Miroslav Vlcek 2008.
When some of you ladies by all means
will desire to have child with special genes ?
When the ordinary man for you is not good enough
and man of more desired category to get is too tough.
Then in our Genius Sperm Bank
In our Genius Sperm Bank
we have you dreams for sale.
Genius Sperm Bank
Genius Sperm Bank
Genius Sperm Bank
Ladies in our Genius Sperm Bank we have the
best of seed.
Unique selection that you can't beat.
We have
Nobel Prize Winners packed and frozen
like TV Dinners.
We also have the Movie Stars safelly stored
in glass sterillized jars.
Or Lady perhapse self made millionaire
could father your baby ?
My dear Ladies we have them all
and make that call !
Genius Sperm Bank
Genius Sperm Bank
Genius Sperm Bank
Or Ladies when an Aristocrat will be
in your wish ?
We will bring his sperm to you
on silver dish.
Or my dear Lady now would not it be fun ?
To have future President for a son ?
And in the case that you do have crash
on some man of the magic brush ?
Then small dash of future Davincie
we have in stock too.
Anyone your heart will desire
we will have for you.
Genius Sperm Bank
Genius Sperm Bank
Genius Sperm Bank
napsal/a: popletazesveta 18:16 Link


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