15.Leden 2008

(c) Miroslav Vlcek 2008.
In todays world they do have.
Instant coffee - Mashed Potatoes
Instant Gravy
and as long as they have no
Instant Baby
every thing is fine.
This is because.
Babes have to be brewed slowly
and then
pumppered for long long time.                     ( volne ke kolaboraci )
To have it any different
it would be a crime.
To have it any different
it would be a crime.
And they also have.
Instant Pudding - Soup in Cup
ready for you in single snap.
But as the Babes it go
they should never have them so.
This is because.
Babes have to be seduced slowly
and then made love to
for long long time.
To have it any different
it would be a crime.
To have it any different
it would be a crime.
.. . ..
napsal/a: popletazesveta 17:43 Link


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