One day Mac and T.J. were walking along, very hungrily, trying to find some food. "Motherfucker!" shouted Mac quite stupidly. "I need some food for my belly!"
"Gee wiz, Mr. Mac, what ever shall we eat?" T.J. said with a puzzled look.
"PORRIDGE!!!" said Mac. "But where will we find some porridge at this time of day?"
"I know!" said T.J. "The refrigerator!"

So Mac and T.J. went to the refrigerator and looked inside. Instead of porridge, they found a whole lot of NOTHING!
"What the shit ass balls?!" shouted Mac at T.J. "There's no damn porridge in here! Just a whole lot of nothing!"
"We just have to look deeper" said T.J. with a look of determination.
So they climbed inside to look deeper, or something.

"Still nothing!" said mac with a look of anger.
"We just need to look even DEEPER!" said T.J., still determined to find Mac's beloved porridge.
So they looked even deeper. These guys are kind of dumb.

"Okay, now I'm pissed" screamed Mac. "We looked everywhere. There is no porridge anywhere and for this, you will pay!"
So then, the two engaged in the most epic battle ever to grace the quaint little cornfield.
T.J. climbed atop the refrigerator, as if to intimidate Mac. It didn't phase him one bit as he threw the biggest kick he ever kicked.

T.J. fell to the ground, but quickly got to his feet, as if he was some sort of super awesome ninja guy, or whatever.
"Aughahahagh" screamed Mac, like some sort of crazy person.
"Eeeek!" peeped T.J.
They both then preceeded to rip the doors off the refrigerator like madmen.
Mac tossed his door at T.J.

T.J. seemed to be unphased by this. You could tell by his devilish grin.

Nowdoorless, Mac became weaponless and vulnerable. But he wasn't out ofthe fight yet. As a last resort, he charged T.J. furiously. And with agiant leap, hoped to finish T.J. once and for all.

No one knows the rest of the story of what happened that day, oreven who won the fight. Rumor has it that they both died from the forceof the last blow by Mac. Others believe that after the fight, they bothwent back to Mac's place and enjoyed delicious Kool-Aid whilst eatingdelicious, delicious foods.
Whatever you believe, you have to admit, their fight was epic, and one to remember.
photos by Danni.