sex 27.Srpen 2007
¨sex co je to sex? je to uplne fajna vec
ale nesmi se to pre hanet bo se budete pak citit jako ja hm........... spis jak kralik
orim9346 03.03.2008 06:09:34
Sex is just a short three letters word
but do get one thing clear !
Without this short three letters word
we would not be here.
Without this short three
letters word
we would not be here.
Unless off course we all would be a testube babies.
And we were born without all that fun.
To me sex was always more forcefull and resourcefull then the military gun.
DawsonX 02.03.2008 23:39:02
hehe prej kralik... jo holka to si musis najit vhodneho partnera ktery nemysli jen na sebe a nedela s tebou jen sex ale miluje se stebou a bude se stebou mazlit a vedet jak holce udelat dlouhatanskou a prekrasnou predehru... ps: chlapi verte ze kdyz dokazeta holku dovest k nepredstiranemu orgasmu tak zazijete i vy mnohem lepsi vyvrchleni a budete se citit jako king a holka vam padne k noham... holky predstiraj orgasmus jen protoze chlapi to s holkou neumi... mysli jen na sebe a predstiraj predehru
Miischelle 02.03.2008 23:38:01
Sexu není nikdy dosti !!
Sirius.1 02.03.2008 16:40:34
Hospy 02.03.2008 16:37:46
nesmi se to prehanet?? ty si asi trosku blondynka, vid???
could you do me a favour, go to hook up some guy and let him fuck her...a pak napis "sex 2. cast aneb Jak blondynka zkusila sex. Oukej babe
dudu_us 02.03.2008 13:47:33
wtf???? sexu není nikdy dost :-D
Darkness.Tynush 02.03.2008 10:11:19
to je přesný
boart31 01.03.2008 18:47:41
A to je jako vse no takovy poznatek se muzu naucit i nazpamet mozna by se hodilo vic slov a vetsi zkusenost.