20.Březen 2010
Do you know where your heart is?
Do you think you can find it?
Or did you trade it for something
Somewhere better just to have it?
Do you know where your love is?
Do you think that you lost it?
You felt it so strong, but
Nothing's turned out how you wanted

Well, bless my soul
You're a lonely soul
Cause you won't let go
Of anything you hold

Well, all I need
Is the air I breathe
And a place to rest
My head

Do you know what your fate is?
And are you trying to shake it?
You're doing your best and
Your best look
You're praying that you make it

Well, bless my soul
You're a lonely soul
Cause you won't let go
Of anything you hold

Well, all I need
Is the air I breathe
And a place to rest
My head

I said I all I need
Is the air I breathe
And a place to rest
My head

Do you think you can find it?
Do you think you can find it?
Do you think you can find it?
Better than you had it
Do you think you can find it?
Do you think you can find it?
Do you think you can find it?
Yeah, better than you had it (Better than you had it)

I said I all I need
Is the air I breathe
And a place to rest
My head

I said I all I need
Is the air I breathe
And a place to rest
My head

Whenever the end is
Do you think you can see it?
Well, until you get there
Go on, go ahead and scream it
Just say it
vložil: Konny23back ¤ Komentářů (0)

Hello, world, hope you're listening
Forgive me if I`m young or speaking out of turn
But there`s someone that I`ve been missin'
And I think that they could be the better half of me
They`re in the wrong place, tryin' to make it right
And I`m tired of justifying, so I say to you..

"Come home, come home
'Cause I`ve been waiting for ya, for so long, for so long
And right now there's a war between the vanities
But all I see is you and me
The fight for you is all I`ve ever known
So come home"

I get lost in the beauty
Of everything I see, the world ain`t half as bad as they paint it to be
If all the sons, all the daughters, stop to take it in
Hopefully, the hate subsides, and the love can begin
It might start now, or maybe I`m just dreamin' out loud, but until then

"Come home, come home
'Cause I`ve been waiting for ya, for so long, for so long
And right now there's a war between the vanities
But all I see is you and me
The fight for you is all I`ve ever known (ever known)
So come home"

Everything I can`t be, is everything you should be
And that`s why I need you here
Everything i can`t be, is everything you should be
And that`s why I need you here
So hear this now

"Come home, come home
'Cause I`ve been waiting for ya, for so long, for so long
And right now there's a war between the vanities
But all I see is you and me
The fight for you is all I`ve ever known (ever known)
So come home
Come Home"

vložil: Konny23back ¤ Komentářů (0)
24.Leden 2010


  I want to be in your arms

 I want to feel your touch

 I want your lips on mine

 for I love you very much...

 You're always on my mind

 and I'm thinking

 about you everytime....

 Want to let you know

 My heart is where

 you love lies......

vložil: Konny23back ¤ Komentářů (0)



 I love for giving your heart

 to me and trusting me with your pride

 I love you for wathing me

 and needing me by your side

 I love you for the emotions

 I never knew I had

 I love you for making me smile

 whenever I feel sad

 I love you for your thoughts of me

 where I'm always on your mind

 I love you for finding that part of me

 that I never thought I'd find

 I love you for the way you are

 and for how you make me feel

 But most of all I love you

 'cuz I know you're mine for real.........

vložil: Konny23back ¤ Komentářů (0)


  As long as you love me

 I'll stay by your side

 I'll by your campanion

 Your friend and your guide

 As long as you love me

 As long as you care

I'll do anything for you

 I'll go anywhere

 I'll bring you the sunshine

 I'll comfort your fears

 I'll gather up rainbows

 To chase all your tears

 As long as forever

 My love will be true

 For as long as you love me

 I'll only love you......

vložil: Konny23back ¤ Komentářů (0)
26.Červenec 2009

 Jedno přání mám

 a to usínat a probouzet se vedle tebe.

 Jak krásné by bylo tohle prožít.

 Koukat se na tvou krásnou tvář,

 když spíš.

 Jemně svou dlání pohladit tvou líc,

 a přitom jen tiše říct,

 že šťastná jsem 

 žes právě ty jsi ten,

 kdo uléhá po mém boku jen.

 Koukat ti do tvých modrých očí

 co jsou jak dvě studánky,

 a číst v nich.

 Najít v nich to co tvá ústa nechtěj říct,

 čeho se tolik bojí.

 Snad jednou překonáš ten svůj strach

 a to vše se stane skutečností.

 Budem oba šťastni,jeden druhému oporou,

 láskou,tělem i duší.

vložil: Konny23back ¤ Komentářů (2)
23.Červenec 2009

 Když po prvé spatřila jsem tvou tvář

 hluboce zaryla se do mé mysli i srdce.

 Já přála si být v tu chvíli motýlek


 co usedne na tvé dlani.

 Být sluncem co jeho paprsky 

 hladí tvou hezkou tvář.

 Být vánkem co tě příjemně chladí.

 Být květinou co k ní přivoníš.

 Být hrnkem co ke svým rtům přikládáš.

 Být vzduch co vdechuješ.

 Být ptáčkem co ti každé ráno krásnou píseň lásky zpívá.

 Chtěla bych být všude a vším co je kolem tebe.

 Chtěla bych být s tebou.......

vložil: Konny23back ¤ Komentářů (0)
16.Únor 2009

  Co se to děje ve světě.Proč jsou lidi na sebe tak zlí.Proč člověk pozná lásku a pak zradí.Proč si nevážíme jeden druhého a jsme vděční,že ho máme.Jsou to jen otázky ale skutečné odpovědi musíme hledat sami v sobě.Ten kdo si dokáže na tyto otázky odpovědět je to člověk,který našel novou cestu a má za sebou spoustu špatných zkušeností.Já ráda bych našla to co jsem kdysi ztratila....ale to už mi není přáno....

vložil: Konny23back ¤ Komentářů (1)