« Domů | ...Zkuste...prosím pomožte...xoD... » | Do hajzlu UŽ!!! » | ...Zbožňuju, miluju, ... » | ...Zamilovala jsem se... » | Schánííím.. » | -/- Underworld Score - "Keep Watch Over The Night" » | ...A lullaby of tears uncried, I will sing for you... » | KU*VY jedny zasrané!!! » | Dneska je snad MAGICKÝ den, či co!? » | Nesnáším svůj komp!!! »

...Zamilovala jsem se... (HUDBA)

Do jednoho člověka sice taky,ale teď myslím do písničky

it's getting old to feel like this
time after time
and how will you hold back my tears
there's no tears left to cry

i always wished there was something i could do
to change my mind
but now i see there's nothing left
there's no room to comply

cry to angels
cry to angels

and now i'm locked up from you like
a little doll
that's scratching scratching at the wall
hoping to get through

when the feelings get pushed inside like this
a little more
it makes me wonder why i try
why do i try?

if i could fill the sky
with angels...
with angels
could they sweep away
all the woe that's in my heart?

if i could fill the sky
with angels...
with angels
could they sweep away
all the woe that's in my heart?

cry to angels
cry to angels
when you're mystified
by the pain that's in your heart
on your knees you cry
could the heavens take your hurt

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O autorovi

  • Jméno RenateSaskieMoncev
  • Region Evropa
  • ME»any problem???. . .Mě pochopíte,jen když budete sami opravdu chtít!Dáte mi dostatek času a já se pořádně otevřu...jinak nikdy nepoznáte jaká jsem...U mě je nutná trpělivost a kdo jí nemá tak...xoD (-) ?..ŠVÝCARSKO..?
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