_ BlOnďatá wOkurka se rOzhOdla pOdělit se s Wámi O její denní starOsti , radOsti atd ... :) _
11.Květen 2009
Boj za sprawedlnost a záchranu zwířat .... =)

What do you introduce the concept of "exotic animals" ? Most animals that live in rain forest or in countries far from us. Yes , it's true , but sometimes forget that they are also at risk ... And are many species - mammals , reptiles , birds......

Maybe gorilla ... Hunters her exterminator just because they want the skin and skull into the living room's wall .... Gorillas are on the verge of extincition... Or handbags of crocodile skin? ...mmm.... Coat of panda? ... Sorry , that I speak about some animals in connesction with their death.      Why must die? Because of our "beauty" ? ......... Food...........  Kangaroo meat? I do not say that I'm vegetarian but why eat such beautiful animals? We can eat cows , pigs , chickens , beatles or worms ... They are to destination.... And what about the girls and make-ups ? Testing on animals ... You know how to suffer? I using only natural cosmetics........

I guess you say what you say and why I chose this topic .... Because if you look over each and inform you ... What it's uselessness to kill this beautiful animals , so we can work together to change !

                                                                                                   By Sabuleee ( a malé pomoci Jižíka xP )

autor _CrAzY_SaBiNkA_ | 21:27 | komentáře (0)