foolishness   15.Duben 2009

Lie nightmares of many,
There lie many tears,
Screems of awaken sleepers,
In the middle of moonless nights,
Under most bright sun of summer days,
Many dream of better life,
Some are searching, some have found,
Way of dream, the way of life.

Awoken, though still blind,
Are we and all our kind,
On the clouds of fullmoon nights,
On the shadows of noon sun,
Dance of life and dance of beat,
Hearts swelling, trembling in its rhytme,
Sweat on skin and sweat in air,
Essence of life and of course of death.
Heart stubbornly beats and loves,
Mouth telling all sweet and nice,
Kisses good and right.

Sleep well and just,
Sweet dreams and all that counts.. napsal/a: _Fallen_ 21:50 | Link


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