autor: esman_LEONTINEC | 04.Červen 2007
autor: esman_LEONTINEC | 03.Červen 2007
Docela pohoda, ale myslel jsem, ze ti pirati trojka budou trosku lepsi...
:( :(
autor: esman_LEONTINEC | 30.Květen 2007
...:'( ...:'( ...:'(
autor: esman_LEONTINEC | 28.Květen 2007
Asi pujdu na motorku, provetrat hlavu trosku...
autor: esman_LEONTINEC | 28.Květen 2007
Jsem takovej docela toho nam jeste odjizdi tonda...ach jo...
autor: esman_LEONTINEC | 24.Květen 2007
To uz se mi opravdu hodne dlouho nestalo...
autor: esman_LEONTINEC | 24.Květen 2007
I think, that i am slowly losing you, but that is thing, what i never want to be happened. I dont know, why is this situation and...I dont know what to write, i have no words, to desribe it. I want to, you know, that you'll be in my heart for all time( at to uz vypada jak chce )... "Be rich doesn't means, if you have money, but if you have a person, what you like, what you love..." - that is true, money are nothing againts frinedship or love... I think that I becoming a poor boy...
autor: esman_LEONTINEC | 23.Květen 2007
:( :( :( ... <3 ... nejradsi bych se kopl do hlavy ....
autor: esman_LEONTINEC | 22.Květen 2007
Pretvarovani by to zase chtelo nejaky odreagovani...
autor: esman_LEONTINEC | 20.Květen 2007
Maturitni tyden:)
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