Everybody knows the situation on the beginning of the night ... I just here the words coming out of my mouth ,,just gonna have a few drinks and no mixing'' .
Easy to say ,but not so easy to keep .
First you open the door to the bar or your friends house and right there it's starts, because you see or you try to find your friend ...
As you find him/her after short conversation there is the time for the question .... ,, wanna get something to drink?" in 99.9% we do in that 0.01% we are drunk at that moment...
By the time we say ,,Hi'' to 90% of all the people on party ... we are having 2-3 drinks....
And that is also time where we start to having great time .... from this time it just going down....
I don't think I have to go more deeply in details... end of the great party is very hard to remember...
Is not it funny? On the one side great time with friends and on the other one not much to remember from all the stories....
So is the alcohol the party DEVIL ? ....or can we enjoy party with out alcohol and still have fun?
I think we can ,it just gonna be little hard on the beginning but it's possible ...
Let me just wish you luck.... I'm going to try it too....