29.Červen 2008,16:13
Hej ne tak to ale fakt sorry, tohle se proste musi zapsat. Kamkoliv, pac malo action zase .... No a vzhledem k tomu, ze jsem ted zrovna tady u kompa, tak to mrsknu semka ... >>
vložil: B.u.u.u.
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20.Červen 2008,14:12
Why can´t u just let me do the things i wanna... >>
vložil: B.u.u.u.
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06.Červen 2008,08:40
Did u ever do anything fucking bad? I did. Now I´m sick of myself, but it´s all done now and the result is happening exactly how I wanted.... Not exactly in my head, but in the others... Especially... >>
vložil: B.u.u.u.
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