A soldier came to a fork in the road and saw a nun standing there.

Out of breath he asked, "Please Sister, may I hide under your skirts for a few minutes. I'll explain WHY later."

The nun agreed.

Just a moment later two Military Police came running along and asked,
"Sister, have you seen a soldier running by here??"
The nun replied, "He went that way."

After the MP's disappeared, the soldier crawled out from under her skirt and
said, "I can't thank you enough Sister, but you see I don't want to go to Iraq."

The nun said, "I think I can fully understand your fear."
The soldier added, "I hope you don't think me rude or impertinent, but you
have a great pair of legs!"

The nun replied,
"If you had looked a little higher, you would have seen a great pair
of balls....I don't want to go to Iraq either. napsal/a: Icy 13:06 Link


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