26.Červenec 2008
tak me napadlo.. co kdybych se misto vsech tech problemu vykaslala na cheer uplne a zacala delat treba street dance?? jako vazne.. cheer je sice velka cast myho zivota, az se nekdy desim, jak moc velka.. ale okolnosti s nim souvisejici me posledni dobou spis mrzej.. jako treba pomluvy nekterejch lidi z tymu, reseni moji budoucnosti a tak vubec.. mozna bych mela zacit od zacatku jako uplne s jinejma lidma, vykaslat se na minulost a tim padem i na cheer.. nejaky nazory?:)

flo-rida feat. timbaland: elevator
Vložil: _sheeni_ ¤

Komentáře (2):
  • 30.07.2008 21:29:34, Jana

    Co blázníš Veru????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

  • 26.07.2008 06:48:12, TerroristofLove

    This trees line is reminding me of the Nippon movie in what young boy was watching dancing trees. Those trees were standing on the hillside in three lines like a Haiku.
    They were dancing in night vision of strong summer breeze.
    This trees line did inspired the Haiku.
    Poet's girlfriend did smile and said - Hai
    we did arrive in to the Simomeguro Meguro - Ku Station I had to leave and say good bye.
    Shimomeguro Meguro - Ku Station without the doubt is still the same. I did ferget where that trees line was standing but I did not forget poet girlfriend's name
    Yes I did also forget name of that Nippon movie. Bun not short three lines Haiku without fame.
    Dance is a beauty dance could be a vision vision could bring love excitement and even fear.