my world
tady sem preposlala celou konverzaci moji koordinatorce...
--- On Tue, 9/16/08, <> wrote:
From: <>
Subject: Re: $300 to Vivi?????????????Please pay her back now
Date: Tuesday, September 16, 2008, 12:44 AM
I was never in your room.Never! Leave us alone. You should have not borrowed money from Vivi!!!!!!That was really wrong. The kids told me that you had the chart down there!!!!!!!You told Vivi that you were only there for three months. Your contract was over. Not true!!!!! You are a hypochondriac. No one is sick that much.I was very upset with you borrowing money from Vivi. It was way too much and she doesn't have it to give or lose.I don't think you are a bad person. Just a little lazy.In a message dated 9/15/2008 5:28:47 P.M. Central Daylight Time, writes:
Ok, I have it differently in my notebook, but it's possible I made mistake.
Christina, I don't know, why you think I'm such a bad person, but I'm not gonna explain to you stuff that you found out by yourself or by Trisha.. and didn't even ask me about what's going on. I've heard you talking about this thing with counting days in my room (isn't it unfair to spy in my room?), but the truth is that I counted days until my boyfriend will be able to come, which is 7th October. I also had this calendar about the whole year. If you think you did everything right, ok, but don't be rude to me anymore, I didn't want to leave. I called Vivi and talked to her.. she didn't know anything and she didn't help me either. That thing with the money is because I had problems with my card so she offered to pay for me, and I gave her back $500, because there was the top amount of cash I could get in one day. I supposed to give her $200 tommorow, because I didn't plan anything like leaving next day. I'm gonna meet her this week and I'll give her the rest of the money.
Hope you will find good aupair or hadle your lifes yourself. The way you treated me sometimes really hurt me and I hope nobody ever would treat your daughters like that.
Regards, Veronika
--- On Mon, 9/15/08, <> wrote:
From: <>
Subject: Re: $300 to Vivi?????????????Please pay her back now
Date: Monday, September 15, 2008, 11:24 PM
I paid you for last week on September 5 when I gave you $500. You know that. I always paid you for the currrent weekAugust 30 to the 6th($250) and for the next week from the 6th thru the 13th($250). What did you do with all your money? You should never have borrowed money that you didn't have. The kids told me you had $900 in your account before you paid Vivi $500. Why didn't you give her the whole amount?I owe you nothing.In a message dated 9/15/2008 4:08:43 P.M. Central Daylight Time, writes:
I can you pay me for the last week? I worked full week + saturday night.
--- On Mon, 9/15/08, <> wrote:
From: <>
Subject: Re: $300 to Vivi?????????????Please pay her back now
Date: Monday, September 15, 2008, 11:05 PM
7739872400In a message dated 9/15/2008 4:03:49 P.M. Central Daylight Time, writes:
Please give me her number.
--- On Mon, 9/15/08, <> wrote:
From: <>
Subject: $300 to Vivi?????????????Please pay her back now
Date: Monday, September 15, 2008, 10:41 PM
tak.. dneska mi bylo receno, ze sem rozmazlena nanyna, co vsechno hned vzdava, kdyz zivot neni podle jejich predstav, co vicemene taha penize z rodicu a co po prijezdu urcite pujde pohodlne k mamince na brigadku, zatimco ostatni sou strasny chudaci, co jim rodice neprejou a nikdy nedaj nic.. a ze pro toho cloveka asi nikdy nebudu dost dobra.
tsss, ten clovek, co mi to rek, je - kupodivu - ***** a asi mi tim chtela rict, jak me tim vlastne podporuje, ze se na to nemam vykaslat.. a taky mi tim asi chtela rict, jak sem vlastne uplne uboha, ze neustale nesplnuju, co se ode me ocekava..
no.. a tak pro vas vsechny, ktery me budete kritizovat - jen tak dal:) nikdo z vas nebyl ve stejny situaci jako ja, abyste mohli soudit. nedela me to lepsi, ze mi to nevyslo, ale.. ani vas to nedela lepsi. preneste se pres to a zacnete si zit vlastni zivot, mozna se zacnete zabejvat vic sebou nez mnou.
mrzi me, ze sem to musela rict, ale je to tak. lidi, ktery me maj radi, by tohle nikdy nerekli.. jen proto, ze chtej, abych byla stastna.. a kdyz budu stastna vic doma, tak to pochopej i pres to, ze sem nezustala az do konce a nebojovala. ale vlastne.. ja bojuju uz pul roku, coz neni nejmin (i kdyz podle ni je to nic..) a uz na to nemam moc silu ani naladu. smirim se s tim, ze proste nejsem dokonala a ze uz toho mam tady dost. kazdej clovek dela chyby a v lepsim pripade se z nich pouci, v horsim ne. ale i chyby jsou zkusenost a ja to tak beru.. takze se mi svet nezbori, kdyz mi jeste par lidi do komentaru napise bez podpisu nejaky moudra, i kdyz je jasny, kdo to je (fakt k smichu, ze se nepodepises, staci kliknout na ty tecky a ses jasna.. a jeste to zatloukas:)) nebo mi nekdo zacne nadavat na icq.. stejne se vsem nezavdecim.