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Attack Attack in Prague..upcoming Interview...follow the crab core+ MV Johny Craig

Hey, yo yo!! 
    • How are things, folks?
  • It's been abso-damn-luty astonished period of time when I last hit you with some notice, right?
  • Damn, I can't believe it myself I haven't been writing for that long. We might start with some delicious song to welcome each other back in touch :D Maaaaan, I'm wasted....anyways, here's that little pleasantness for ya.
  • And here is the obligation that every core kid should meet its requirement.  ATTACK ATTACK is perfoming at Rock cafe in Prague on February 10th  and you better be there, this four-piece post-metal core band from Ohio show ya what is like to be alive. These guys released their second studio album last year, as I've been listening to that, I shall say the combination of breakdowns, platitudinous scream with clean vocal and pushful guitar riffs is fucking ass kicking. I'm particularly keen on the clean vocal which has beatiful colours, although it's been kinda auto-tuned in some parts or what's that shit. We should keep our step with time and the world, though. you know, what I'm saying. So, I don't really care, it's their business and their fun.
Here a little taste.........

  • You can expect some interview which I'll do in collaboration with COREMUSIC.CZ  
  • I'm about to leave, it's fucking Friday and I'm not gonna waste it in front of my shitty laptop. 
Take care, bastards........
Mini-Hospy Jr.