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A memorable experience or How to be safely head over heels in love

I was always attracted to troublemakers, those cheesy guys who play such nice games, who will let you believe that you are the one and you hear wedding bells in the near future already. The same guys will hunt for you like a wild animal until you lie at their feet - hopelessly and madly in love while your brain doesn`t admit to function under such an amount of passion and emotions. In such `a relationship` you are able to lose self - respect as a woman and apologize for his behaviour all the time. He always lets you think that it is you who is causing all the mess and mistakes and he is able to carry on that way until the finish line - breaking - up with you.

I personally do not think so. I believe that it is us: People are suffering from lack of love - that is why we have so many romantic movies, books and so many cheaters in relationships as well. Even if we do not want to admit it - it is not love that we are missing! I see love everywhere but it isn`t appreciated. People are mistakely taking love for chemistry. It is chemistry - sparkling atmosphere between two people what we are really looking for.
When this happened I noticed the most significant signs which could warn everyone that this is not love but a nasty game and the badly treated person should hightail it.
1. Is he/she answering your text messages even after a longwhile?

-If not - the person doesn`t care for you!
2. Does he/she make some plans for spending time with you?
- No? Get rid off him/her. The person who wants to have you in his/her life will always try to make it up to you.
3. Can you be yourself when you are together or are you afraid or shy to say whatever comes into your mind because you are afraid to lose him/her that way?
- Start to be mature, natural. Does he/she want to leave? It might be the best thing to happen to you!
4. Are you communicating about anything?
- No? So start. The lack of communication in relationships is a very big problem and it is just a question of time when such relationship will finish.
5. Does he listen to you when you speak?
- Test him! If not - he is somewhere else!

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