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No mercy


You haters!

Disturbers of all good and peace.

Mind the gap.

Better in miles pass me by please.


No any mercy in my eyes for you.


Forget - don ´t even think about

to beg me with your fake apologies.



Slavery love


You played with me game!!!

You broke my heart and

I begged you to stay.


Lost in love "SLAVERY".


What do you say?

Marry me please.

You let the girls go to their knees.

This shall be your place.


Kids, fun and many lovers...

You must be jokking.

Good woman is a treasure,

diamond you hardly get.


I don ´t know why I still love you.


I have faith.

And for blessings from God

I prefer to wait.





Somebody said think twice.

But sometime stronger is impression of the eyes.

Hesitation is coming instead of

cutting that slice.


Some people are kind and nice.

The other coldly caltulate,

using feelings -

so proud how they are wise...


I think I never met with my rights.

If not sun - what else

then can rise?


Think of this sentence in a bigger size.


As many dishes can be made

from a simple rice.

And price?


It ´s late


What a game you play!!!


You want me to stay –

till now you just caused me the pain.


You must be joking!!!


You think you love...

But you are selfish and nasty.

Don ´t go on me with

´Nobody showed me how.´


The language that warm heart speaks -

I am common with.


You hurt me and I feel bad.

Our ways will split –

isn ´t that sad?


You should know breaking heart and honour

doesn´ t help.

Maybe you will get I love you... Passion...

Is that worth to lose eternal pure love instead?


You have to grow.


But not with me.

I am showing you the door

even when I am on the floor.




 2 U


Can ´t give me what I expect.

Skin walking through the life.

And there is not a justice.

Doesn´t matter if

I am wrong or right.

Once everybody´ ll

see ´bout what I talk today.

Please do not blame me

when is too late.

I done what I could and

- on return -

you gave me hate.

You have what you asked for.

Not anymore my

helping hand.

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