O černooké Karkulce....

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A little tale about Borris Thunderstorm

13.Říjen 2008

    That's a little tale about one teenager - an extraordinary boy called Borris Thunderstorm. Such a insipid guy from town, just a friend of nobody but himself. Nobody realy knew him and nobody wanted to know him...
    ...Dick Chodura, well known boy from local school was forced by friends and invited Borris to his birthday party. He'd decided to celebrate his eighteenth birthday but he hadn't know that it may be the worst day in his life...
    ...Borris came without any gifts - a little embarrassing situation - in eyes of all the rest. He stayed alone all the time. He was talking to himself and didn't register strange or amused looks from people around...
    ...Dick brought a birthday cake and started to blow the candles. When he blew the first one, the big claun jumped out of the cake. Borris took fright so hard and every of his hiden psychopatic fellings made a bid for power!
"Ta-da-doo!" he picked up the knife near and he stabbed it to the claun's head...
    ...The ambulance and police was there in five minutes and he hadn't even tried to run away. There was no one able to help the claun...

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